Innovative system for the administration of tablets

Press release
CompWare Medical® transfers experience in medical technology to mass market applications: Presentation of a research project on an innovative system for the administration of tablets.
The manufacturer of medical devices CompWare Medical GmbH located in Gernsheim am Rhein is developing an innovative system for administering tablets.
The system with the project name "Tantum" is being developed in cooperation with a number of institutes of the Stuttgart university. The project partners CompWare Medical, the Institute for Automation Technology and Software Systems (IAS), and the Institute for Construction Technology and Technical Design (IKTD) want to make Tantum ready for series production. This innovative and smart comprehensive system, which allows a regular and precise medication intake, is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy because of its extraordinary importance. The regular medication intake is part of the daily lives of people of all age groups. According to an estimation by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), alone about 2/3 of the persons over 60 receive two to three different drugs a day. This automatically increases the risk of incorrect dosing.
As current studies show, up to 50 % of the persons concerned take their medication in the wrong way or not at all. The costs for necessary subsequent or emergency treatments amount to a yearly volume of 10 billion Euros.
„Tantum“ represents a completely new approach. It is designed as a comprehensive holistic system integrating all supply and monitoring necessities. It consists of a tablet dispenser, a safety and communication centre, an APP, and a pharmacy loading system. Tantum is supposed to support not only all relevant processes for preparation and intake of tablets, but also to ensure the necessary escalation in case of problems with the tablet supply or patients failing to take the tablets. This is achieved by the automatic involvement of the doctor in charge, care service suppliers, and relatives. In this way, Tantum makes drug treatment a lot more reliable for the patients - and allows elderly people to longer lead an independent life at home.
For decades, CompWare Medical has been an active and renowned manufacturer in the field of automated and high-precision drug administration. The company incorporates this experience in the development of Tantum. In addition, CompWare Medical uses a network of partners to supplement the company's own experience. In this way, know-how in electronics, expertise in the development of pharmaceutical and medical software and competence in the development of age-adequate, non-stigmatised products are combined to create a system which meets ergonomic standards and can be handled safely and intuitively by laypersons.
Technical contact: Gerd Meyer-Philippi (Managing Director) CompWare Medical GmbH,
Phone: +49 (0) 6258-9492-0, E-Mail: gmp(at)
Press contact: WBCO GmbH, Arne Schwerin,
Phone: +49 (0)69 13388038, E-mail: a.schwerin(at)